Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Mommy's Christmas Adventure.

Twas the morning before Christmas, and all through my house
there are three year olds screaming and the dog ripping my blouse.
The stockings hang crooked on the walls by the door,
and little hands made quick work of the paper bags from the store. 

The blinds are half open and the carpet is a mess, that dog hair is in season, it adds to my stress.
The pillows on top of the couch are all lumpy and these PJ bottoms make my legs look all stumpy.

The kids are covered with markers and pens, and the trash somehow never makes it into the bins.
The fish tank is stinky and the turtle needs feeding, I cut my self cooking and hope i'm not bleeding.

The dog ate my shoes, my favorite two pairs,
Did I mention how I want to chop off all his hair?
The baby is hungry and covered in spit
and all mommy wants to do is sit.

I finally get the children into proper clothes and tie up the girls hair with cute little bows.
The bows disappeared in less than an hour, when was the last time I took a shower?

The laundry needs folding and there is still another load, 
If I have to watch another princess movie I think I'll explode.
The girls tore up my pillow with memory foam, Daddy is still at work? Isn't it time for him to be home?

The dishes are still dirty from our dinner last night, the girls are having a horrible fight.
The toys are all messy, "stop messing with your brother!"
The bathroom needs scrubbing, "Seriously, listen to your mother!"

I restart the movie, was this time 7 or 8? and the kids say they're hungry even though they just ate.
Now they want candy, and then they'll want more,
looks like another trip to the store.

Someone is calling, there's a knock at the door,
"Sorry, can't talk now.." as I hang up, I don't think I can take any more!
Bedtime is near and I secretly jump for joy,
But I still have to stay up and wrap all the toys.

The kids are finally tucked into their beds, with sweet little dreams dancing through their heads.
This life is not easy, you don't get a lot of rest,
it might always be crazy, but my babies are the best.

As I wave goodbye to this busy Christmas eve, I say hello to a wonderful new day filled with little children who believe. 
Being a mommy is hard, but I'd do it again and again,
So, Bring it on Christmas! Let the adventure begin!

A little Christmas poem for you on this lovely Christmas eve! Enjoy spending time with your family and loved ones. Cherish the music and Christmas baking... And always remember that life is always an adventure worth taking!
Oh, sorry.. I have to get out of this whole rhyming mindset. 
But seriously, think of all the little things you have to be thankful for. Even the things that sometimes do not seem to be things you would normally be thankful about. Memories are the greatest gift that we have :)

May the prayers and coffee flow, friends,
and may you remember the true meaning of Christmas this year,
Merry Christmas!


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